20 Questions for High Schoolers ​Considering a College STEM Major

Getting to Know You

  1. Where in the world do you call home?
  2. What grade are you currently in?
  3. What math courses have you successfully completed so far?
  4. Have you taken any other courses that might influence your choice of major?
  5. What do you absolutely love doing in your free time? (This could be anything from sports and ​games to singing, dancing, creating art... anything!)
  6. What unique talents make you stand out? (If you need help, ask three people who know you ​well – family, friends, teachers – everyone has unique qualities!)
  7. What are your favorite subjects in school, and what do you love about them? (Try to separate ​what you like about the subject itself from how much you enjoy the teacher's style.)
  8. What are your least favorite subjects, and what do you dislike about them? (Again, try to ​separate your feelings about the subject from your feelings about the teacher.)
  9. Are there any topics you've heard about that sound interesting but haven't had a chance to ​explore yet?
  10. What else would you like to share about yourself?

Imagine Your Future

11. On a scale of 1 to 5, how certain are you about your future career choice? (1 = Not sure, 5 = ​Highly confident)

12. Where (in the world) would you like to go to college? (Think about locations, specific ​colleges you're interested in, big vs. small schools, city vs. rural settings – anything that's ​important to you.)

13. What college majors are you considering, and why?

14. Imagine yourself 10 years from now. Where do you want to live? Who is around you? What ​kind of work are you doing?

115. What kind of career do you envision after college? (Do you see yourself working with ​people, independently, in an office, or out in the field? What might your job title be?)

16. If you could solve one problem in the world, what would it be?

17. What conditions help you do your best work?

18. How do you manage your schedule and commitments? (Calendar? App? Sticky notes? ​Lists? Memory? What works best for you? Are you good at meeting deadlines?)

19. Do you prefer virtual or in-person classes?

20. What questions are on your mind that you want to share or ask?

What other questions should be added to the list?

email additional questions to anne@cultivatingexcellence.org

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